Client insight: A&A Recycling

Product: Smart Shear Pin

Date of installation: February 2023


A&A Recycling Services ordered a Smart Shear Pin system for their CBI 6400CT grinder. Today we speak to Director, Matt Howarth.


Tell us about A&A Recycling Services

Matt: We are one of the largest wood recyclers in England, and as a group handle over 1 million tonnes per annum of waste wood.


Why did you install the Smart Shear Pin system?

Matt: We were having real difficulties with contaminants causing impacts in the mill. Typically these were lumps of metal which we did not foresee. Downtime for us is painful on a number of fronts but primarily the loss of operating time means we have to ensure we catch up lost time in order to fulfil our long-term outward supply contracts.


How was the process of fitting the system to your grinder?

Matt: Straightforward. It was fitted on a weekend to ensure little downtime.


How have you found the Smart Shear Pin system so far?

Matt: Great, within a week we had our first alert of a broken pin we would have otherwise been unaware of.  We promptly changed the pin while the alert saved what would have inevitably led to disruptive downtime.


What impresses you most about the Smart Shear Pin system?

Matt: The ability to detect a pin break (even hairline) that we would not have otherwise not been aware of visually.


Is there anything else you would like to add?

Matt: Craig Anstee is always very helpful. He goes above and beyond to ensure you fully understand various other CBI-related operational considerations. He brings a rounded grinder understanding that extends far beyond the shear pin.


Above: the Smart Shear Pin system fitted to A&A Recycling's CBI 6400CT grinder

Above: the Smart Shear Pin system fitted to A&A Recycling's CBI 6400CT grinder